About Us

In 2023, after 11 years of hard work in the social sector, Papiss and Awa Cissé decided to use their collective influence and experience to create the Cissé Foundation, primarily helping Senegal's most deprived citizens.

Due to their shared belief that they can change the outcome for those in need and their collective desire to overcome life’s challenges, Papiss and Awa are an unstoppable force, changing the future for those who need it the most in Senegal.

The foundation's inception was rooted in addressing pressing social issues and contributing to actionable and tangible change. Recognising the transformative power of education, healthcare, and community development, the foundation was founded on the principles of empathy, collaboration, and service to humanity.

Today, the foundation strives to support those in need through initiatives designed to drive communities forward and create a long-lasting impact for many generations to come.





Our Vision

The Cissé Foundation works to eradicate inequalities and improve the living conditions in Senegal through four priority areas.

Our Mission

Committed to positive change in Senegal, we address social issues, focusing on education, healthcare, and community development.

Our Values

About Our Founders

Papiss Demba Cissé

Papiss Demba Cissé is a famous footballer renowned for his on-field prowess in the Premier League and worldwide. Those who know him best, however, know that he is also a compassionate humanitarian committed to making a positive impact beyond football. Inspired by his own journey and the challenges facing communities in his native Senegal and worldwide, Cissé embarked on a mission to leverage his platform for social good. With a vision to uplift and empower those in need, he created the Cissé Foundation.

The foundation's creation is rooted in Cissé's desire to tackle pressing social issues and contribute to concrete change. Recognising the transformative power of education, healthcare, and community development, the foundation was founded on the principles of empathy, collaboration, and service to humanity. Today, the foundation strives to support those in need through initiatives that advance communities in ways that create lasting impact for many generations to come.

Awa Diallo Cissé

Awa Diallo Cissé is the CEO and co-founder of the Cissé Foundation. She is a former professional athlete, an entrepreneur, and a philanthropist at heart. When Papiss Demba Cissé and Awa married, they knew they would have to use their connections and notoriety to create positive changes and support communities in Senegal, their home country. So, driven by their personal experiences and a strong desire to give back, Awa and Papiss embarked on a journey to turn their vision into reality.

Based in the UK, they started making a difference in the lives of other athletes with their career development agency, Lionstep Consulting, which puts the athlete's best interest at heart. In 2023, they decided it was time to create long-lasting changes in their home country, Senegal. Recognising the importance of education, healthcare, and community development, they created the Cissé Foundation.

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