About Us

In 2023, following 11 years of hard work in the social sector, Papiss and Awa Cissé decided to use their collective influence and experience to create the Cissé Foundation, with the primary aim of helping the most deprived.

With their shared conviction that together they can change outcomes for those in need, combined with their collective desire to take on life’s challenges, Papiss and Awa are an unstoppable force on behalf of those who need it most in Senegal.

The foundation's inception was rooted in Cissé's desire to address pressing social issues and contribute to actionable and tangible change. Recognising the transformative power of education, healthcare, and community development, the foundation was founded on principles of empathy, collaboration, and service to humanity. Today, the foundation strives to support those in need through initiatives set up to drive communities forward in ways that will create a long lasting impact for many generations to come.

About founders

Papiss Demba Cissé

Papiss Demba Cissé, is best known as a celebrated footballer renowned for his prowess on the field in the Premier League and around the world. Those who know him best, however, know he is also a compassionate humanitarian committed to making a positive impact beyond football. Inspired by his own journey and the challenges faced by communities in his native Senegal and around the world, Cissé has embarked on a mission to leverage his platform for social good. With a vision to uplift and empower those in need, he established the Cissé Foundation.

The foundation's inception was rooted in Cissé's desire to address pressing social issues and contribute to actionable and tangible change. Recognising the transformative power of education, healthcare, and community development, the foundation was founded on principles of empathy, collaboration, and service to humanity. Today, the foundation strives to support those in need through initiatives set up to drive communities forward in ways that will create a long lasting impact for many generations to come.

Awa Diallo Cissé

Awa Diallo Cissé, wife of footballer Papiss Demba Cissé, played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Papiss Cissé Foundation. With a deep commitment to humanitarian causes and a vision for positive change, Awa worked alongside her husband to lay the foundation's groundwork. Inspired by their shared values of compassion and empowerment, they envisioned an organization dedicated to uplifting communities and providing opportunities for those in need.

Driven by their personal experiences and a desire to give back, Awa and Papiss embarked on a journey to turn their vision into reality. They recognized the importance of education, healthcare, and community development in transforming lives and fostering sustainable growth. With determination and dedication, they mobilized resources, built partnerships, and laid the groundwork for impactful initiatives.