The Sedhiou Stadium Renamed in Honor of Papiss Demba Cissé

On a momentous occasion, the stadium in Sedhiou has been renamed to honour the esteemed footballer Papiss Demba Cissé. This recognition highlights Cissé's significant contributions to both the sporting world and his community. Renaming the stadium is a tribute to his illustrious career and dedication to uplifting the region. It stands as a symbol of pride for the people of Sedhiou, commemorating Cissé's legacy for generations to come.

Construction of a Mosque in Sedhiou: Enhancing Community Spirituality

The construction of a mosque in Sedhiou marks a significant milestone for the community, providing a sacred space for prayer, reflection, and spiritual growth. This initiative reflects our commitment to supporting religious diversity and fostering unity within the community. The mosque will serve as a focal point for religious activities, bringing people together to worship and strengthen their faith. As a symbol of our dedication to community development, the mosque represents a lasting legacy that will benefit generations to come.

Ambulance - École de sedhiou - Case des tout petits - Sos village enfants - Pouponnières de Mbour - Marmitte du cœur - Covid 19

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